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10 reasons why Brunch is the greatest Irish ice-cream of all

Bring it, haters.

BJVnL2dCUAACUHU Source: ciara_english/Twitter

ONCE UPON A time, the Brunch was widely regarded as being the *best* ice-cream. The one you instinctively grabbed from the shop fridge, the one you coveted all year round.

More recently, however, people have been s**ting all over the poor Brunch.

So we’ve taken it upon ourselves to remind you why it’s the greatest ice-cream of all.

1. First of all, it’s pleasing to the eye

From the biscuit crumbs that adorn the outside like little sequins to the pink and white middle, there’s only one word to describe the Brunch’s appearance: stunning.

CfmYfTvWcAAxNo- Source: Gemma Quarney/Twitter

2. Like, let’s be honest about it: if there was a Rose of Tralee for ice-creams, the Brunch would win every year

It’s sweet, not-too-notionsy and, crucially, extremely Irish.

des Source: ellawolverson/Instagram

3. Did we mention it’s extremely Instagrammable?

Look at how it compliments these freshly manicured nails. Outstanding.

desi Source: designology.ie/Instagram

4. But it’s not just pleasing to the eye, it’s also extremely delicious

Heaven on a stick, tbh.

niamh Source: niamh_oc12/Instagram

5. One bite and you’re likely to experience a wave of nostalgia like no other

Memories of summers spent slugging Club Orange and begging your Mam for a £1 to buy an ice-cream in the shop.


shell Source: xxshellysuttonxx/Instagram

6. Can we take a moment for those biscuit crumbs?

Traditionally, ice-cream comes encased in chocolate or a cone. The Brunch, on the other hand, defies ice-cream convention by being coated in pink biscuit crumbs and it’s all the better for it.

They add a whole new dimension to what is already a lovely ice-cream (that crumbly texture, though) and they keep the whole thing intact for longer.

Nice one.

praying-hands-emoji Source: NPR

7. Did we mention that it has celebrity fans?

Don’t tell us that’s not a Brunch.

8. It’s even been immortalised in art, for crying out loud

9. And it’s almost certainly inspired some of Beyoncé’s sartorial choices

10. In short, it’s the king of ice-creams and the ice-cream of kings

Long live the Brunch.

brunch Source: chesca.sparkles/Instagram

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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